Pre-Tied Walls and Shear Walls

Cascade Rebar Fabrication Company

Whether a foundation wall or retaining wall, rebar is an important component to the strength of your structure. Depending on the size, reinforcing steel for walls can be placed in a single curtain or double curtain arrangement. Because of their repeatable pattern, walls are an excellent candidate to be pre-tied offsite and lifted into place.

Benefits of Pre-tied Walls and Shear Walls

  • Greater Schedule Control
  • Consistent Quality
  • Just-in-Time Delivery
  • Labor Savings
  • Reduced onsite manpower reduces risk of safety incidents
  • Reduced Waste


Our pre-tied walls and Shear Walls can be applied to a wide range of industries and needs:

    • Commercial Buildings
    • Residential Buildings
    • Repeatable assemblies
    • Agricultural Buildings
    • Shear Walls


All of our pre-tied walls and Shear Walls are available in uncoated black rebar, epoxy coated, and fiberglass rebar. The variety of materials makes these ideal for many industries and applications.

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